Breast Cancer Care
HeadStrong – a hair loss advisory service
UK-Wide service for people being treated for any type of cancer. Find out how to look after your hair and scalp before, during and after cancer treatment and how to make the most of alternatives to wigs by using scarves, hats and headwear. Click here for more information or call us free on 0808 800 6000.
We have a page on our own website which has a list of headwear suppliers which includes Deresina www.breastcancercare.org.uk/headwearsuppliers
Cancer Research UK
www.cancerresearchuk.org/ This is Cancer Research UK's main site. From here you can find information about cancer, donate online, join one of their fundraising events, or find information for people affected by cancer. Cancer Research UK is the world's leading charity dedicated to cancer research. They have discovered new ways of beating cancer that together have saved hundreds of thousands of lives across the world. One in three of us will get cancer at some point in our lives. Their ground breaking work, funded almost entirely by the general public, will ensure that millions more people survive.
Cancer Chat www.cancerchat.org.uk Cancer chat is a FREE, safe online discussion forum for people affected by cancer.
Cancer Events supportus.cancerresearchuk.org/events
Find details of all Cancer Research charity events, including Relay for Life, Run 10k, Bobby Moore events and breast cancer fundraising. |
World Cancer Research Fund
At World Cancer Research Fund, we examine how diet, weight and physical activity affect your risk of developing and surviving cancer. While society continues to search for a cure, our prevention and survival work is helping people to live longer, happier and healthier lives – free from the devastating effects of cancer.
Macmillan Cancer
They provide practical, medical, emotional and financial support and campaign for better cancer care. Macmillan Cancer Support improves the lives of people affected by cancer. Cancer affects us all. And we can all help.